Product Categories for Which Use-Generated Photos and Videos are Especially Important
As it turns out, consumers value user-generated photos and videos when shopping for a wide array of products. But this content is especially important for certain categories.
Clothing (88%), shoes (76%), and health and beauty (74%) top the list. This isn’t surprising. These products are highly personal; they look different on different people. User-generated visual content can help a shopper understand how a product has (or hasn’t) worked for someone with similar characteristics
There are some notable differences based on gender. For example, women indicate clothing, shoes, and health and beauty are the categories for which user-generated visual content is most important. The top three categories for men are electronics, appliances, and clothing.
*Respondents could select all that apply.

Section Summary: User-Generated Visual Content Matters Across Product Categories
There are certain categories for which user-generated visual content is particularly helpful for shoppers. Those categories include clothing, shoes, and health and beauty.
But the reality is, a significant portion of consumers value user-generated content for all of the product categories included in this survey. For example, 36% of shoppers say user-generated imagery and video is important when shopping for groceries.
Brands and retailers across all product categories must provide their shoppers with a means to view photos and videos from other customers. Otherwise, those shoppers will seek out a competitor that better meets their expectations.