Product Demo
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Request a Demoevo is a leading retailer of outdoor gear and apparel. Selling to a passionate customer base, evo focuses on creating an engaging and enjoyable experience for its in-store and online visitors.
With their active, on-the-go customer base, evo wasn’t surprised when they noticed their site traffic beginning to occur more so on mobile.
evo leveraged mobile-first review collection features to optimize the experience and drive content generation across all devices.
evo saw a 23% increase in reviews written across all devices and the number of reviews written on a mobile more than tripled.
Of evo customer emails are opened on a mobile device
Lift in reviews written mobile year over year
Increase in reviews written overall, year over year
Reviews have been one of the most important tools to drive conversion for us.
See our solutions work their magic.
Request a DemoSee how a leading shoe brand uses Q&A to quickly answer purchase-blocking questions to drive sales.
Recognizing the need to facilitate the customer journey with authentic content, Mizuno partnered with PowerReviews to gather content and insights…
With UGC Analytics, PROFOOT leverages exceptional brand insight that leads to a significant increase in sales volumes.…