Retailer Product Sentiment gives you the power to understand how your customers really feel about your products and brand on any retail and marketplace channel your products are sold online.
How Does It Work?
Multi-language machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) (in plain English: a computer taught to understand verbatim text).
All we need from you is the ecommerce sites or marketplaces you want to analyze and which products to focus on, and we’ll do the rest.

Sentiment summary based on analysis at the mention level to accurately parse out positive, mixed, neutral and negative sentiment
Easily compare sentiment, mentions and star rating at the product level
Quickly view the most popular topics by volume
Top positive and negative mentions are summarized for fast insight into where you are winning and where there may be opportunity for improvement
Analyze across any retailer or marketplace
Easily view sentiment performance summary at the theme level
Why Retailer Product Sentiment?
- Scale
Surface key topics and descriptors in real-time. No more relying on retail partners to "unlock" insights from your own data.
- Context-Rich
Drill into specific product, categories and custom product groups to understand customer sentiment about your products sold on retail partner sites
- Cost-effective
Save big on resource-intensive and expensive analysis and investigative time. Focus group level insights, without the price-tag.
Answer Key Questions:
- Why did my product not sell as well as expected on a retailer or marketplace site?
- Is my product sentiment improving over time on a retailer or marketplace site?
- What do customers on a retailer or marketplace site like/dislike about my products/brand?
- What attributes of my product are driving negative reviews on a retailer or marketplace site so I can improve my products?
- How can I persuade another retailer to sell my product?

The Only Algorithm Trained On UGC
Content from More Than
Pieces of UGC (77M Reviews, 2M Questions & Answers) Powering Our Analytics Platform
More Than
Unique Adjectives Identified For More Specific Analysis
More Than
Unique Feedback Topics Elevated for Further Exploration and Action